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  • Reese Walker

The Race

By Reese Walker
Posted on December 1, 2023
Two horses racing
Cover Image Title: Racing Horses
Cover Image by: Julianna Ma
Classification: Digital Art
Specifications: 2160 px X 1620 px
Year: 2023

You’re at the starting line,

Waiting for me.

The gun sounds

And I taste the dust

You left me.

My muscles don’t know how to move,

Something tells me to run

Far, far away.

Around and around you go,

Every step I take is a miracle,

Every breath is a gift from heaven,

I pray that I can keep going.

You pass me again,

The crowd roars,

Everyone is betting on you,

And I’m just a losing horse.

Sweat pours down my side,

The clock ticks in your favour,

I never was a runner.

The finish line is in sight,

And so are you,

Waiting for me


You give me a smile

But only out of pity.

I fall to the ground,

While they hoist you up

To the podium. 

I used to applaud

Your every trophy,

But now I cry under the bleachers.

At least I have my participation medal

And all these bruises

As a reminder

That I was never a winner.


This poem is about a breakup, where the winner is the one to end the relationship. The race represents two people moving on and healing after losing each other, and although one of them falls further behind-- they are still moving forward. Subjectively, there is a winner and a loser because society always pits people against each other; the question is not of who wins but who forgives. In life, there will be heartbreak; there will be hard races. But remember, it is not about moving on or doing better than someone else - it’s about the journey. 

[ *The End* ]

[Writing Editor: J.Y.]

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