Volunteer to Grow
“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” --Emma Bombeck
You primarily work with little buddies in elementary schools. Seniority in grades is enough to start with.
Volunteer in a library meeting room near you or simply from home. Well, your choice.
"Train the trainers" when needed. You are 100% backed up before you begin
supporting others.
Community service is certified. Each year, you may be nominat-
ed for the Volunteer of the Year Award.
Volunteer positions for high school students
Hit an arrow for more detailed descriptions.
Familiarize yourself with:
Click to read each document in full length.
viewed as the infographic above illustrated.
read and accepted. Ask questions, if any.
understood before you choose top interest(s).
checked for a better idea about how to volunteer.
Top Interests
selected to be placed into 1-3 volunteer groups.
filled and submitted. Follow up, if applicable.
High-school Student Volunteers
Volunteer Services
I want to quickly check how many volunteer hours I have worked within the BEA community so far.
I want to have my Volunteer Hours Report populated and/or signed off by a BEA Representative.
I want to receive training to settle into the working environment or become a better version of myself.
I want to establish an extra-curriculum activity club in my school and obtain warm support from the Academy.
I want to nominate myself or a peer volunteer for the BEA Volunteer of the Year Award by Dec 31, 2023.

Volunteer of the Year Award
Mr. Alex Padilla, the Senator of California, U.S.A., extend-ed the Award (2023) to the following individuals.
Mr. Mark Sutcliffe, the Mayor of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, extended the Award (2022) to the following individuals.
Mr. Yanni Liu, the Principal of BrookEdge Academy, extend-
ed the Award (2021) to the following individuals.