By: Reena M.
Last Updated on: November 28, 2021

Image by: Serena
In such tragic and emotional times, a pandemic can be energy-draining and it can also make you feel like every day is almost identical. We end up doing the same things every day because they seem easy to do and we tend to be less creative in a pandemic, but worry less, everyone does it. But not anymore! With copious amounts of brainstorming and relating to my own boredom, I have collected several creative and exciting ways to keep the boredom away. Take a look below to see what the quarantine boredom awaits for you.
Let’s start off with something a little easy and simple: Baking. Baking is a well-known go-to in times of stress and boredom, both of which are big ‘everyday emotions’ which come from the ongoing pandemic. Baking sweets and goods is a flexible way to cure your endless boredom because you can pick what you would like to bake, so it can either be a classic batch of chocolate chip cookies or something a little more sophisticated, like a loaf of bread, that is if you are up for the challenge! The process of baking also allows for the mind to get back to work by exploring and measuring the different ingredients, which can seem like another hassle, but trust me, if your reward at the end of all of it is a freshly baked good, I think it’s worth your time and investment. Just make sure you have a parent or guardian by your side in case things get a little messy. If you want to take things up a notch, have a cake baking contest with your friends, but virtually. Each person has to decide what kind of cake they want to make, and they can use a little inspiration from the internet. After all the cakes are made, show your cakes to each other over the screen and for once, take the chance to be a little judgmental to see whose cake looks the most visually pleasing.
Next up, treasure hunt. At some point in our childhood, we all wanted to be pirates sailing on a ship, looking for lost gold. Well, now is your chance for your wishes to come true. Depending on how many items are scattered around your living space, the treasure hunt can be as long as you want it to be. Also, you can get your daily dose of brain exercises as the treasure hunt can range from an easy level to a harder level; make sure to give notice on how hard you want your treasure hunt to be to your parents or guardian. For the complete treasure hunt experience, have treasure maps with interesting clues, as well as a big final pot of gold, which in your household, can be a big pot of candy of your own liking. Since there are not many places to go during the pandemic, it can be a little more difficult to get your steps in. Running around the house for a treasure hunt can increase your physical movement and get you on your feet.
And if treasure hunting is not your thing, how about a small picnic in your backyard, or even right in your living room. It’s sad enough that many public spaces are closed due to COVID-19, but let’s not focus too much on the bad and look more into the good. The good thing is that you have the luxury of having your own picnic in your own backyard or living room, so there’s a nice chance you won’t have to stress about the annoying seagulls trying to steal your food, or even the struggle of finding a nice shade under a tree. Your backyard is fully capable of having a nice big umbrella for you and your family, or if you chose to do it in your living room, I think the roof above your head is quite the umbrella. For a cute picnic, take an unused sheet and lay it onto your floor so you can create an aesthetically pleasing meal along with some traditional and non-traditional picnic foods such as cheese pinwheels or a zesty pasta salad.
Zoo animals have the tendency to uplift moods with their adorable features and wild attitudes. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to go to zoos and have real-life experiences with the animals. However, there is an alternative that is just as fun and exciting. Several zoos around the world have come up with a great idea of bringing their zoo to you, virtually. The Cincinnati Zoo has a live stream that runs every day from 3:00 pm and shows so many animals, I can’t even count how many there are. If you are a person who prefers a more soothing type of relaxation, I recommend the Monterey Bay Aquarium which allows you to watch sea otters at any time of the day. There have been many studies conducted which indeed prove that watching animals for just a quick second can bring joy to your face, and overall make you feel better, which is something we lack in a time of distress right now. We are so involved with the world and we forget about these other living creatures that breathe along with us; just think about how they feel because they no longer have the interaction they used to have when people would visit them in the zoo. Their situation is just like our situation; we now have limited interaction with our friends and family. So, it’s kind of a win-win situation because the animals might not know that we are there watching them from our homes, but deep down inside we know that we are here for them and vice versa.
In sum, I have now given plenty of ideas and creative solutions as a cure for your boredom. The best part about these ideas of fighting away boredom is that they are very convenient, they are free and they are versatile. I hope you have the chance to try out some of these techniques!